* @file src/js/event-target.js
import * as Events from './utils/events.js';
import window from 'global/window';
* `EventTarget` is a class that can have the same API as the DOM `EventTarget`. It
* adds shorthand functions that wrap around lengthy functions. For example:
* the `on` function is a wrapper around `addEventListener`.
* @see [EventTarget Spec]{@link https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/events.html#Events-EventTarget}
* @class EventTarget
const EventTarget = function() {};
* A Custom DOM event.
* @typedef {Object} EventTarget~Event
* @see [Properties]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomEvent}
* All event listeners should follow the following format.
* @callback EventTarget~EventListener
* @this {EventTarget}
* @param {EventTarget~Event} event
* the event that triggered this function
* @param {Object} [hash]
* hash of data sent during the event
* An object containing event names as keys and booleans as values.
* > NOTE: If an event name is set to a true value here {@link EventTarget#trigger}
* will have extra functionality. See that function for more information.
* @property EventTarget.prototype.allowedEvents_
* @private
EventTarget.prototype.allowedEvents_ = {};
* Adds an `event listener` to an instance of an `EventTarget`. An `event listener` is a
* function that will get called when an event with a certain name gets triggered.
* @param {string|string[]} type
* An event name or an array of event names.
* @param {EventTarget~EventListener} fn
* The function to call with `EventTarget`s
EventTarget.prototype.on = function(type, fn) {
// Remove the addEventListener alias before calling Events.on
// so we don't get into an infinite type loop
const ael = this.addEventListener;
this.addEventListener = () => {};
Events.on(this, type, fn);
this.addEventListener = ael;
* An alias of {@link EventTarget#on}. Allows `EventTarget` to mimic
* the standard DOM API.
* @function
* @see {@link EventTarget#on}
EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.on;
* Removes an `event listener` for a specific event from an instance of `EventTarget`.
* This makes it so that the `event listener` will no longer get called when the
* named event happens.
* @param {string|string[]} type
* An event name or an array of event names.
* @param {EventTarget~EventListener} fn
* The function to remove.
EventTarget.prototype.off = function(type, fn) {
Events.off(this, type, fn);
* An alias of {@link EventTarget#off}. Allows `EventTarget` to mimic
* the standard DOM API.
* @function
* @see {@link EventTarget#off}
EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.off;
* This function will add an `event listener` that gets triggered only once. After the
* first trigger it will get removed. This is like adding an `event listener`
* with {@link EventTarget#on} that calls {@link EventTarget#off} on itself.
* @param {string|string[]} type
* An event name or an array of event names.
* @param {EventTarget~EventListener} fn
* The function to be called once for each event name.
EventTarget.prototype.one = function(type, fn) {
// Remove the addEventListener aliasing Events.on
// so we don't get into an infinite type loop
const ael = this.addEventListener;
this.addEventListener = () => {};
Events.one(this, type, fn);
this.addEventListener = ael;
EventTarget.prototype.any = function(type, fn) {
// Remove the addEventListener aliasing Events.on
// so we don't get into an infinite type loop
const ael = this.addEventListener;
this.addEventListener = () => {};
Events.any(this, type, fn);
this.addEventListener = ael;
* This function causes an event to happen. This will then cause any `event listeners`
* that are waiting for that event, to get called. If there are no `event listeners`
* for an event then nothing will happen.
* If the name of the `Event` that is being triggered is in `EventTarget.allowedEvents_`.
* Trigger will also call the `on` + `uppercaseEventName` function.
* Example:
* 'click' is in `EventTarget.allowedEvents_`, so, trigger will attempt to call
* `onClick` if it exists.
* @param {string|EventTarget~Event|Object} event
* The name of the event, an `Event`, or an object with a key of type set to
* an event name.
EventTarget.prototype.trigger = function(event) {
const type = event.type || event;
// deprecation
// In a future version we should default target to `this`
// similar to how we default the target to `elem` in
// `Events.trigger`. Right now the default `target` will be
// `document` due to the `Event.fixEvent` call.
if (typeof event === 'string') {
event = {type};
event = Events.fixEvent(event);
if (this.allowedEvents_[type] && this['on' + type]) {
this['on' + type](event);
Events.trigger(this, event);
* An alias of {@link EventTarget#trigger}. Allows `EventTarget` to mimic
* the standard DOM API.
* @function
* @see {@link EventTarget#trigger}
EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = EventTarget.prototype.trigger;
EventTarget.prototype.queueTrigger = function(event) {
// only set up EVENT_MAP if it'll be used
if (!EVENT_MAP) {
EVENT_MAP = new Map();
const type = event.type || event;
let map = EVENT_MAP.get(this);
if (!map) {
map = new Map();
EVENT_MAP.set(this, map);
const oldTimeout = map.get(type);
const timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
// if we cleared out all timeouts for the current target, delete its map
if (map.size === 0) {
map = null;
}, 0);
map.set(type, timeout);
export default EventTarget;